Mental Fatigue Data Submitted by Stephen J. Guastello Early 20th Century psychologists were greatly interested in the dynamics of physical fatigue. This work was socially influential because it convinced factory employers that productivity would increase if workers were given work breaks! The dynamics indicated that there was a system of work curves that was characterized by a cubic polynomial. It took just a trick of the pencil, plus 60 years to determine that the underlying dynamics were those of the cusp catastrophe (Guastello, 1995; Guastello & McGee, 1987). It was also proposed that mental fatigue followed the same dynamics. Ash (1914) conducted such experiments and, fortunately, reported the original data points. He found the basic work curve that characterized physical work in mental work data. This function was later shown to follow a cusp catastrophe regime also (Guastello, 1995). The mental fatigue problem has a special quirk in that the repeated tasks that contribute to fatigue, which translates into an increase in response time, also constitutes practice, which translates into a decrease in response time. A different dynamical perspective on this interesting problem has been recently undertaken by Aks & Sprott (in press). An annotated SPSS control program, which operates the data set, appears below. It is written in mainframe syntax, which is how the data were analyzed for the publications. The fourth program line defines the name of the variables and the spaces that they occupy within a line of data. Subjects in the experiment were university professors. They were presented with Necker Cubes and Necker Pyramids; their task was to produce a reversal of the figure and hit a response button. Response time was measured in seconds. Response times were averages of several trials, although the exact numbers of trials was never stated in the original document. The elaped amount of mental work was hours of exam grading during final exam week. The data set was compiled by SJG from tables published in Ash (1914), and was the basis of the analyses described in Guastello (1995, p. 184- 185, 201-104). The variables are: NAME = initials of the human subject; names are not known, and do not figure into the analysis. STIM refers to the cube or pyramid. The numerical value "12" refers to the pyramid, and "9" to the cube. The SPSS control program converts those values into 1 and 0, repectively. RTBEF is response time to reverse a figure before a fatiguing work set. RTAFT is the response time after the work set. FATUN, or fatigue units, is the number of hours of exam grading that transpired between the before and after measures. PRAC indicates whether a subject had participated in a previous before-work-after session; 0 = had not done so, 1 = did do so. REFERENCES Aks, D. J., & Sprott, J. C. (in press). The role of depth and 1/f in perceiving reversible figures. Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences, 7. Ash, I. E. (1914). Fatigue and its effects upon control. Archives of Psychology, v. 31. Guastello, S. J. (1995). Chaos, catastrophe, and human affairs: Applications of nonlinear dynamics to work, organizations, and social evolution. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Guastello, S. J., & McGee, D. M. (1987). Catastrophe modeling of fatigue in physically demanding jobs. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 31, 248-269. SPSS: title ash fatigue all p. 38 + 41, cusp and nl file handle datafile name='mfatigue1a.dat' data list file=datafile records =1 /1 name 1-4(a) stim 6-7 rtbef 9-12 rtaft 14-17 fatun 19-21 prac 23 recode stim (9=0) (12=1) COMMENT NAME consists of the initials of subjects who were university professors. The mental work that they did between response time se *temporary *select if (prac =0) *condescriptives rtbef rtaft *temporary *select if (prac =1) *condescriptives rtbef rtaft regression descriptives/ missing=pairwise /variables stim to prac /dependent = rtaft /enter rtbef stim fatun prac compute dy = rtaft - rtbef regression descriptives/ missing=pairwise /variables = stim fatun prac dy /dependent = dy /enter stim fatun prac compute zbef0 = (rtbef - .69)/ 0.46 compute zaft0 = (rtaft - .69)/ 0.77 compute zbef1 = (rtbef - .69)/ 0.31 compute zaft1 = (rtaft - .69)/ 0.57 if (prac = 0) z1 = zbef0 if (prac = 0) z2 = zaft0 if (prac = 1) z1 = zbef1 if (prac = 1) z2 = zaft1 compute dz = z2 - z1 compute zpow3 = z1**3 compute zpow2 = z1**2 compute nfatun = fatun/ 0.886 compute bifur = z1*nfatun regression descriptives/missing=pairwise /variables = zpow3 zpow2 bifur prac dz /dependent = dz /enter zpow3 to prac