Leadership Ratings with the Island Commission Submitted by Stephen J. Guastello and Gonzalo Zaror The data file consists of ratings of leadership behavior that were collected in the course of 15 games of ISLAND COMMISSION. Each game was played with 8 players.There were 120 persons rated altogether. The participants were business school students in Chile. All players within a game indicated who in their group acted most like the leader and who acted second-most like the leader. Two points were scored for most like the leader, one point for second-most, and zero points otherwise. Ratings of each player given by each player were summed, so that the final score range was 0 to 16. For the first analysis, it was necessary to obtain a frequency distribution of the scores, along with the standard deviation. The SPSS file below is the control file for producing the nonlinear regression of the scores against the swallowtail probability density function. The RECODE statement converts raw scores into cumlative frequencies. COMPUTE Z translates raw scores from raw values into Z with respect to location and scale. The nonlinear regression analysis was run with and without the z**4 term. Inasmuch as z**4 is an additional correction for location it was possible that it could be unnecessary for producing a well-defined model with statistically significant regression weights. Indeed that was the case. For further description of the underlying theory of leadership, swallowtail probability density function, and details of the experiment, see: Guastello, S. J. (1998). Self-organization in leadership emergence. Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences, 2, 301-315. Guastello, S. J. (2002). Managing emergent phenomena: Applications of nonlinear dynamics to work organizations. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Zaror, G., & Guastello, S. J. (2000). Self-organization and leadership emergence: A cross-cultural replication. Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences, 4, 113-119. title 'island data' Chilean sample set width=80 data list file='zarorisl.dat' records=1 /rating 1-2 *frequencies variables=rating *descriptives variables=rating /statistics=all recode rating (0 = .500) (1 = .617) (2 = .683) (3 = .725) (4 = .750) (5 = .775) (6 = .800) (7 = .825) (8 = .842) (9 = .842) (10 = .883) (11 = .933) (12 = .950) (13 = .967) (14 = .999) (15 = .999) (16 = .999) into pctrat compute z = (rating - 2.908)/431.7 model program a= -0.2 b=0.2 c=0.2 d=0.2 e=0.2 compute pred = exp(a*(z**5) + b*(z**4) + c*(z**3) + d*(z**2) + e*z) nlr pctrat with z model program a= -0.2 x=0.2 c=0.2 d=0.2 e=0.2 compute pred = x*(exp(a*(z**5) + c*(z**3) + d*(z**2) + e*z)) nlr pctrat with z